It’s going well and getting close

Hi all!

Been quiet for a while. Partly I was swamped at work and partly Sweden just had an election and I figured a lot of people had other things to keep them busy than hearing me complain about what a pain it is to proofread.

However, I’ve been keeping. I am very excited to announce I passed the halfway mark last weekend and as of writing I’ve only about twenty chapters left to do and then all the editing is done. It won’t feel done, but I am going to call it done and try really, really hard not to keep looking for mistakes because if I do I am going to drive myself insane.

Here’s a fun little detail I discovered while editing: The exact middle of the novel in terms of wordcount actually happens in the exact middle chapter. That was a bit surprising, because while I tried to have each chapter be around 2000 words there are chapters which are much, much shorter and a few that are much, much longer (and the shortest chapters are much shorter than the longest chapters are longer). I guess in the end it all averaged out.

I’m hoping to get finished in a week or two at most, then get to work on the formatting, the cover and then finally begin the publishing! Stay tuned for an upcoming release date!

Take care, thanks for reading!



Aaaaaand done!


A busy few weeks in which I fall in love with and begin to despise Terry Pratchett